Looking for annular cutter recomendations

I recently purchased the drill fixture that fireball tool offers for a diy fixture table build and would like to hear yalls experiences on good cutters to use with it for all the drilling. More specific the better. And not looking to spend less on something that is junk that will cause far more work, and far less quality in the work. Thanks.


project farms on you tube has a video on that
and he tests many brands

I’ve used several brands, Champion, Hougen, and a few no name cutters. They’re all fairly similar. One suggestion is to go carbide tip. They cut at a higher rpm to increase hole cycle times and cut much cooler. They are worth the extra money in my opinion. You’re more likely to break the cutter before it gets dull. You’ll snap the bit in half if the chips get clogged in the fixture. Another helpful tip is get the necked down shank cutter. The extra clearance will help remove the chips. Here’s a photo of the necked and straight cutters


Can annular cutters be re-sharpened?

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Yes they can be reshaped.

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Just go to Amazon and buy the cheap Chinese set (not carbide tipped). Use a good quality cutting fluid like TapMagic or a water based fluid (RotaMagic). I have cut 250 5/8" holes with one Cheap Chinese cutter. Most are made in the same factory.

I’m using the champion carbide annular cutter for my three-quarter inch holes. So far I’m on 238 out of 406. Using WD-40 as you recommended. What are the chances I can cut all 406?

Slim. WD40 is not a good cutting fluid not cooling enough. AS you go along, it takes more pressure to get through. Whenyou put a brand new bit on you will see the diff.

It is cost prohibitive unless the size go past 1".