You have done a ton of work, creating the test rig and performing all those tests.
However, I don’t see a summary of all the data. I saw a couple of spreadsheets, that included up to 16 disks, but none that included all the tests.
The value to users/customers is in reviewing a summary of the data. I’m interested in your findings, but I’m not interested enough to set-up the spreadsheet and digest all 40? sets of data. Without publishing a summary spreadsheet, IMO, you have spent a ton of labor and hours for damn little value. If there exists a summary spreadsheet containing all test data, please provide a direct link to it. The spreadsheet should be the headline. Don’t bury it.
You ever think that they are making a video for it and thats why the dont just post it.
Yep, Thats what I am after. I imagine there will be a lot of people like us. I dont know why they havnt published it but what surprises me is that they havnt come out and straight out given some info on when that info will be coming. It makes you wonder if commercial considerations have one the day.