Best metal tumbler ideas

I’d thought I’d share some of the metal tumblers that I’ve seen a used.
This tire tumbler is cool. I’m sure a 33-35 tire could be turned into a tumbler. It was also pretty quiet running for a tumbler.


That’s a pretty neat way to use an old tire.

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I want to make one and try it out on a 33 or 35 in.

I made this one when I first started fireball to clean diy square kits. It uses an old plastic barrel. The motor mounts vertical spinning an offset weight. A rubber hose is used as a damping coupler. The spinning shakes the barrel on the springs. Basically a giant version of the small bench top tumbler. It worked ok but all the parts went straight to the bottom and didn’t turn over often enough.


I found using a drum style brass tumbler setup with the correct stones works pretty well for small stuff, but may be too aggressive on the stones and/or too small and you get a lot of sludge buildup from the stones breaking down.

One of the best parts besides having the parts deburred is also having an even surface finish. Makes things look a lot more refined if the parts are used raw.


I use an old cement mixer but I like the idea of a quiet tire, may have to consider that when my mixer gives up the ghost.

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That would be a great video!

What about using stainless steel media?

That’s what I use for brass, uh, things, but it’s not really aggressive enough to use on steel parts if the burrs are notable at all in my limited experience. They’d be just fine on brass and aluminum parts.