My custom base. hardtail. 10"x10" guard rail scrap


Looks beefy, is that a 510 or 614? Why the handle change?

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Handle is too short and too slim.

Yahoo Mail: Search, Organize, Conquer

Have you watched any of the videos where Jason explains why the handles are designed the way they are? You may be putting more expensive components in harms way with a longer and stronger handle.

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Hey Andy!
I am just curious what are you putting in your vise?

Yes…watched all…45 ton squeeze to fail…so im now squeezed to 1000 pounds.

1/90 of the way to failure.

Big vice…handle was too short and too thin.

Keep in mind; his tests show failure, not the point at which components start to get premature wear, yield strength in steel and cast iron are a little lower, and a sample of 1 doesn’t give you an idea what average breaking strength will be or what your specific vise will handle.

So long as you understand that you’ve essentially voided your warranty, give’er hell and enjoy the ease with which you can crush parts.

You should only use up to 50% of failure rating…so I’m good for 45,000 lbs of squeeze.

Yahoo Mail: Search, Organize, Conquer

I don’t work and live to collect on warranties.

Yahoo Mail: Search, Organize, Conquer

That’s fine. Some people like to de-engineer things and then complain that it was junk because it broke. So long as you know anything that breaks is your fault, then you and anyone else who wants to is free to modify to their hearts content.

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Up-Engineer…and improve…
…that is a 1.5 inch socket/breaker bar.
I can much faster open and close with impact gun.

Yahoo Mail: Search, Organize, Conquer

You have a keen sense of the obvious.

Yahoo Mail: Search, Organize, Conquer

Glad it’s going to work better for what you want. For me the strongest vise on the market is good enough, and I don’t plan to find out what replacement parts cost. Everyone has their own goals.

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Some people like to use a wrench as a hammer
Lol :joy:

unlike the others, I like what you did and would do the same.
adding the socket drive to vise screw is great idea.
I currently use a drill to open and close my machine vises, work smarter not harder.


Yahoo Mail: Search, Organize, Conquer

I’’m indifferent on the handle! But repurposing the rail scrap warms my heart! Love stuff with a story behind it!!

Some people culture their brain cells in Petri dishes.

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