Video Discussion: "How Strong is a 265 lbs Vise? Warning - I break it!"

Were you surprised by the outcome? Have you had any problems with your vises like the ones demonstrated in the test? What vise would you like to see go under the hammer?

Leave your questions and comments down below!

The Fireball Hardtail Vise can be found here.

(Here is the video in case you missed it)


What are your plans for a smaller one?


It would be interesting to see a test with multiple input forces. You could rlaborate a graph and by so demonstrate how the “curve” behaves on different vises. It is to be expected that a “bad” vise would max up pretty soon and have a really “curvy” line, meanwhile a “good” one would show a nice nearly straight line untill the max force is reached. (Sorry about my english, not my native language).

Loved the video. You are indeed a fabulous engineer. (and a very good commercial guy! :slight_smile:
“They don’t make them anymore like in the old days… No, with the digital tools, we make them stronger!”

I cant believe how much the other vises cost, with such poor quality. Thats what happens when there is no competition. Hopefully they will step up, or lots of people who require such a vise discover the fireball vise. I would love to see smaller versions honestly. A 4 to 6 in vise for the everyman.

Shortly after jasons orginal vise video. Harbor freight came out with a new red vise. Ive been seeing them everywhere now. Youtubers, even local shops have finally replaced their 30 year old destroyed vises with them. No one has posted the limits or break point.


Not many times I stay and watch an hour video on youtube, but this video kept my interest until the end. It’s more than a promotion video, it’s a science video. The fireball vice design should win a design prize.


Another great video. Such a great mind and problem solver.

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I had to buy longer bolts for the jaw accessories the ones that came with only caught a few threads with the larger jaws did you do any testing when sliding the jaws to one side if so did the bolt break or strip the threads

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I’ve had my hardtail for a month, I have been nothing less than in awe of how awesome my vise is. This video just reaffirms " buy once, cry once"


You should reach out to ProjectFarm to help you with test set ups, he’s got some really well done testing methodologies. I believe he doesn’t do sponsored / pay to review content but he could definitely help with test design / advice.


Haven’t we already watched this?

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Great information!
What else to test in the Vise Hammer?
First thing that comes to mind is the US version of the Hardtail. But it doesn’t seem worth it, just to verify materials test the same.
Maybe the smaller forged Vise that you sell?
Or a big old leg vise?
Or a Kurt?

That Morgan vise is a joke in terms of build quality.


The Hardtail is a beast! Definitely seems like the tail nut needs to have the wall thickness reduced or a groove cut at the end to allow it to break before 90k force is applied.

I have a $3,000 Zero-Turn Mower built by a major manufacturer that has been in business since at least I was a kid fifty years ago. Today I have three-feet tall weeds on my back lot because A. the mower had faulty engineering, and B. the only ‘Authorized Dealer’ within 60 miles knows less about this repairing this specific model than I know, and all I did was spend an hour on the Internet. And they know very little about customer service. You would think a company with several engineers on staff would avoid obvious wear pitfalls where a simple bearing would make things last nearly forever.
My point, if I have one, is that I appreciate the fine engineering of all your devices, especially the HardTail vice. You’ve built another vice, a floor model, that is quite majestic to say the least. Keep up the good work, and the entertaining videos. Though I do not need a vice of that quality and durability, it is nice to know the details of what makes a good vice work well.


Hey Jason, you had me at $6.00 a pound, now when you come out with a 6 or 8 inch, I’ll be on board! I have a small home shop and the present hardtail is just too big. Keep up the awesome work!

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So can I get the one you used for testing? I I could use a better vice for my stand.


Given the weight disparity I’d love to see the Fireball up against some of the old heavy chipping vices like a Record 518 or Prentiss 58, though it’d be a shame to kill those old beasts.

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Fireball Hardtail has failed the ultimate stress test. The pressure of the pencil pushers to meet bottom line profits.
The other vices failed due to compromises made in the designing due to boardroom fat cats demanding larger profits. Their weight is far greater than all the forces exerted on all three vices combined.

BTW, Wilton sucks. Living on it’s reputation.

PS Really great idea! Fused handle and nut. Outstanding and entirely missing on the other vices.


It appears that the swivel base is not strong enough. It would be much cheaper to fix if the bolts were the failure point instead of the base. It appears that making the casting thicker would be an easy fix.