On the Topic of Pro's not Meeting Expectations

Pro vs Amateur…video in the link below.

Well, in the context of the link below, Pro, like on the “frame” vid being debated right now is just someone welding things for money. In this vid which is just me making an attempt at fixing a piece of cheap garden furniture can be seen the result of someone who didn’t give a damn about what they were making / repairing, which is just an attitude I can’t fathom. My own attempt, ugly as it may be is a lot better and honestly I don’t think will ever break, given that I sat right on the crossbar to test it. I think the crossbar will bend / rip before the joints give up. The first repair was done by a small welding / fab shop - 4 or 5 guys maybe. They make and repair things for a living.

It’s amazing what shoddy work is out in the world. Anyway, presented for amusement and because it sort of fits in with current topics, and as a shameless attempt to promote my own pathetic little channel, if I’m honest.

P.S. I’d say I have about 15 hours of hood time in my life. I don’t consider myself to be any good, I just like trying stuff and give it my best go.


I enjoy the video. Looks like a great repair to me. That original weld was horrible. Yes that’s a great question. What is a professional? The dictionary says it’s someone that get paid.


Thanks for checking out the video snd for the feedback - much appreciated. I tend to equate “professional” with “high quality” but they are two different aspects of the whole picture really.

From one amateur to another, great repair Stuart. There’s a lot of satisfaction that comes from a fix like that & I don’t think your judgement of how it looks detracts from its utility in any way. A spot of paint and it will last a good long time. Got a kick out of the TSAW comment too!


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Cheers Larry. The TSAW isn’t mine - I heard someone use it, got a laugh out of it. Got to have a laugh when you can!

Ive been saying this to all the younger guys in my shop about quality. Some of them just put out w/e they can to meet our projected timeframes. I dont, as id rather do a good job on my work then doing it fast. And i also get on them for shoddy work all the time. Mostly asking them to put on a different pair of shoes and ask them if they would be happy to receive their work.


Great repair. Love the humility and the “why spend $50 on a new piece of furniture when you can own thousands of dollars worth of machines and repair it yourself,” Sounds like my life :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::beers:

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I also being a hobbiest fab/machinist guy have a view of the certian group of “professionals” that are only there for a check on friday, and could care less about work. My day job that ive had since I could basically walk, started going with the ol man around seven or so. Theres a quote that he told me back then…and either he got it from someone or made it up himself, stuck with me with everything that I do. Being a plumber in new construction, most of what you do gets covered up. He said “look at what you can see…and that will tell you a hell of a lot about what you cant” I cant stand the get it done however, because it will get covered up and noone will see it attitude.

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