Happy day All,
After seeing a you tube short of Jason doing some patina “experiments” it seem pertinant to create this topic. As a custom metal finish “magician” I have spent the last 26 years learning and implimenting all sorts of custom finishes on Steel, zinc, pewter, copper, bronze, brass, strainless steel, Aluminum, and stuff I’m not thinking of. First off I will offer one of my coveted resourses. “Sculpt Nouvea” https://sculptnouveau.com/ check out there website check out there you tube video’s. Beyond that this only scratches the surface and truth be told experience teaches the most. Natural finishes are extremely tricky and environmental contidions such as temperature, humidity, mind state, etc all play a part. Just as a hint for these finishes random outcomes are less difficult than uniform finishes. These require putting on and taking it off and putting it back on again (sort of etching the material). Lacquer sealers make spot repair near impossible unless you are ok with your oats after they come back out of the horse etc. etc.
Cheers for now
P.s. I look forward to learning from you