614 Hardtail Vise Stand

Vise has been sitting in a crate for a year, finally decided to fixup a stand for it. Used an old steel pedestal grinder stand, filled all the holes, cleaned off old paint, made some fun brass dataplates, filled with 150lbs of sand and called it good. Time to beat on it.


It looks like that stand was made for the vise, ands that tag! So awesome.

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you made those? WOW they look great, I rebuild equipment and are of in need a data plates once in awhile, Do you sell these?

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@ToddReed12 what are the chances you will give us at least the nickel tour of how you made those plates? Those look amazing and I would love to know more about how you made them. Is chemical etching?

appreciate it, incredible vise, fun to just go look at it…

@Knick , message me

these particular ones were made on my fiber laser machine. I used to do chemical etching, but its just too long of a process. I did toner transfer as well and photo etching, then did all the different solutions to etch different metals. Just too long, need a lab. Fiber laser just makes it easy other than masking areas to paint that takes some patience and time.

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here is the machine in action on a different aluminum plate…

you just sit back and wait and then clean it up and do whats needed.

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I don’t think knick would be the only one wanting to buy ID plates from you. I’d recommend sharing a ballpark price of what you would charge someone to cut and engrave the plates you made for your vise so you don’t answer the same question multiple times through direct messaging. That’ll give most guys an idea whether it’d be worth bothering you for a quote on something, or if it’s likely to be more than they’re able to afford for a project.

Really super excellent work BTW. Those ID plates is gorgeous, if an ID plate can be considered gorgeous.

Ah. Fiber laser makes sense! Thanks for sharing

Attention to details is fantastic! Thank you for sharing.

ohhh and good choice on the vise :wink:

@ToddReed12 Todd did you get my PM? no rush just checking