White finish on dragon scale squares

I just got a fab package of fireball squares and it came with 2 megas and 2 monsters and the 2 megas look great. Nice smooth uniform black finsh on all reference surfaces but the monsters came with what looks like almost an “paint overspray look” and is fairly rough.

I hope its clear in the picture. I thought maybe it was some sort of powder but it doesnt seem to come off and didnt want to use any chemicals in case i need to return them.

Looks like that one is dried out, try spraying some WD40 or a lubricating oil.

If you don’t want to deal with that you can also contact our customer service and they’ll help you arrange a refund or exchange.

I don’t really have problem with it but i am worried about the integrity of the finish especially since i paid extra to the the cast iron dragon scale. I didn’t want to use any chemicals on it in case i needed to return it. If you can assure me that the finish isn’t compromised i have no problems.

If you have a problem with it at a later date, even past 60 days, even if it’s used and banged up, let me know and we’ll make it right.

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Sounds good thats all i needed to hear thanks much.