Bringing Fireball Magnetic Blocks inside carry on luggage

Hi there folks. Has anyone ever traveled with the Magnetic Blocks in your carry on luggage?

I’m asking a friend to bring them to me (I’m not from the USA), but he’s travelling with his carry-on luggage only.

I’ve searched online and there’s some info about flying with magnets but since Fireball mag blocks are steel + magnets it might bother some airlines.

Thanks in advance

Customers purchase the blocks all the time and carry them on the plane when we sell them at the trade shows. I don’t think it’s a issue.

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Thanks Jason! I’ll roll the dice, hopefully they won’t make a big deal about it.

Just tell him to make sure they’re not stuck to a machete. :joy:


Hahaha that’s a good advice :joy:

In my experience of traveling with tools, a tool must be no longer than 6". However, that’s pretty vague.
I used to carry a tool in my carry-on that was 5.750" in length. It wasn’t sharp but looked similar to a bullet in size and shape. I’ve also had tools taken from me at TSA that were outside the “guidelines.” But carrying on a case of magnetic shims, I wouldn’t think twice. Your friend should be fine.

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Hey guys. The magnets arrived safely. Thanks for the inputs.