Cast iron platen without holes

Is there any interest in Fireball tables without holes? Just a large flat cast iron platen.

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I think having them ground flatter so they could be used as granite surface plate alternatives (with or without the holes) might make them useful in a different way than the holes make the tables useful. I can’t say I have a need, but I could see the need being out there if they’re cost competitive with granite inspection tables.

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I’d be interested.

Love my 24" by 12" one that I use and really really wish I could have gotten one of the original square plates

A 12 by 12 (precision ground ideally) would be awesome to use as a truly portable reference surface with maybe 5 holes (each corner and center, excluding 4 holes for mounting/leveling feet) that can be plugged with a flush shoulder bolts.

The other thing that I’ve been hunting for is a really small 28mm fixture plate to abuse and persuade metal next to my vise… just saying…