the future


Do you feel that you have created all the fixtures necessary to do the job or are the other types/styles of fixtures on the drawing board?


Not even close. We have lots more fixtures coming down the pipeline.

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Got anything that will work for bicycle frames or round tube work in general?

How about a tooth block protractor doing 90° and 45° very easy I’ve been doing lots of other degrees with only one tacking bolt to hold tooth block

This does 45

Yes sir it does I own them. Now let’s configure 30° or anything other than 90° or 45°

This is the proper procedure for setting angles on a fixture table. How do you like to fixture angles other than 45°?

Angles are set with 2 tooth blocks. This is a better use of tooling and accuracy.

Came out to shop tried it just a little bit off 60° on the table now. Maybe with the 1/16 inch washer

Yes the 1/16 is very useful. Also you don’t have to use the washer if you don’t want.

You make a magic square, how about a magic tooth block or fence block protractor?