I think there’s a problem with the focus of the video, being standard steel table vs fixture table.
I think the video is more of a test of the thoroughness of the shop, rather than a direct comparison of the two types of tables. The same shop could have the nicest table in the world, but if they don’t do their due diligence it won’t matter. A lot of shops will just throw something out there that’s “close enough”, because engineers more times then not give wayyy tighter tolerances then necessary and they know this.
So this is showing these shops willingness to just say sure and take the money, hoping it’s not an issue later. If they get away with it 9 times out of 10 then they’re still profitable having to fix the occasional part.
Knowing the purpose of the part, and that they will be competing with a fixture tables accuracy would probably result in better parts. With a price reflecting the extra time it takes to get closer. Which would be an eye to eye comparison of the tables rather then the shop’s willingness to take the risk of it coming back.
This would all be a even better selling point for the fireball tables, not only to the viewer but if you took a table to these shops and asked them to make the same part on it side by side. It would highlight the efficiency and quality difference, just may just sell a table while there.
I think you are missing the point of the video. This video is not fixture table vs. plate steel table, the fixture table is not even used in part three of the series. We have come back to the initial response to part one that is, fabricators saying that they can get the same end result as a fixture table on a plate steel table in the same amount of time, with less steps and tools. We agree you can achieve the same level of precision on both tables. However plate steel requires many more steps and a frustrating prosses. I look at it as a triangle of accuracy, speed, and ease of use. A plate steel table can only give you two sides of that triangle at once. The frames we received were done fast and easy but not accurate, if you want accurate and fast its going to very difficult if not impossible, if you want it easy and accurate it will take a very long time. A fixture table gives you all three sides of the triangle plus repeatability on top of that. Of the people using plate steel tables to make money, I think most fall in camp of fast and easy and determine there own tolerances for the jobs they take on not what the customer asks for.
I think we are saying the same thing different ways. I’m simply meaning to say we know you can do it with both, but it would be a good selling point to have the shops fully aware of the situation and see how much longer it takes to achieve similar results, as we agree they’re making up their own tolerances and hoping for the best. It will be a good selling point if (when) they agree the fixture table is more expensive, but would be more accurate faster, and easier. and actually pay for itself by not having to redo work.
So how can we aproach this in a scientific way if you impose bias into the test by telling somebody here make this but at the end you know you will be filmed and scrutinized.
As I said by telling them the intent, the video in my opinion doesn’t really test there skill specifically. More like there willingness to go through the extra trouble it would take to get a closer result without a fixture table. Without them actually wanting to hit those tolerances, it wouldn’t have mattered if they had a fixture table as they likely wouldn’t have gone through the trouble of setting it up anyway.