I watched the video when it first came out as a fireballtool.com exclusive video, but now I cannot seem to find it.
I just received the email stating that I am next-up to purchase my Hardtail!
I watched the video when it first came out as a fireballtool.com exclusive video, but now I cannot seem to find it.
I just received the email stating that I am next-up to purchase my Hardtail!
We’re moving videos around at the moment. It will be available again soon.
Thanks for asking this question for me I’ve been looking for it as well
@ImEngineer @DBO Here is a link to the video, now available on the website. It’s called “The World’s Biggest Vises Get Tested to the Extreme!”
@Fireball_Filmmaker @Fireball_Filmmaker Thank you! This video is an incredible testament of the Hardtail’s strength, quality, and fantastic engineering.
I just rewatched and paid the outstanding balance on my order for the vise. I’m am confident it will be a priceless addition to my shop!
I view this vise as adding another person in my shop. Something I can rely on to hold, clamp, crush etc. anything for eternity. And I don’t have to pay it by the hour!
I hope the vise arrives soon and will post some pictures with my initial impressions on this forum once it arrives!
@ImEngineer I look forward to seeing it in action.