Modify your vise jaws to hold small parts

I think everyone should have an extra set of jaws with a small step in the top to hold thin and small parts. I like it because you don’t have to clamp the part very hard to hold it steady. Some mill vise jaws have this feature but I don’t see anyone adding the step to a bench vise. Give it a try I think you’ll like it.

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Those are the jaws on my vise most of the time. The step truly is useful for holding a wide variety of things. I’m thinking about machining a small V in one spot on the ledge so I can hold thin round stuff as easy as I can rectangular.

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That would also be very useful.

The only reason those jaws work so great is how little slop there is in the vise compared to most vises. That good sliding fit is a big part of what makes this vise so awesome, it’s not just about how big it it.