Received my 24x36 Dragon Wagons

Well I bought 2 of the smaller dragon wagons and at this time running them end to end (2’x6’). Before committing to accessories for the tables I thought I would use them first. ( I did buy 2 end shelves which work for now but I may eliminate them eventually - I like have access from all points of the table) Also waiting to finalize my welding cart design after welding table usage. First; I will say I am really glad I spent the extra money buying these tables vs other brands; these tables are great! I am finding that I enjoy NOT having any shelves, etc beneath the tables. This makes it much more comfortable for me to sit and weld and not having anything in my way. Also, I can see if I change the table configuration that the shelves, etc. may get even more in my way. That said, I do have the room in my shop to create other means of tool access not attached to the tables. I could see if you are limited with space then giving up a little comfort for storage is great. At some point I plan to add a 3rd table to create a 3’x6’ table - this may be the sweet spot for me. Possibly even a 4th table as funds come my way to achieve a 4’x6’ table. If I could have afforded the larger pro tables upfront - that would be the best! But so far no complaints and nothing but praise for the Dragon Wagons! One last note: I thought I bought a lot of fixtures, but… I run out of fixtures very fast… needless to say I plan on buying some fixtures every month until I’m satisfied. OH - I did add the Sidekick Vise and will say it’s a must have! I have used it a lot so far and it’s not in my way when not using it. May even add a second… Thanks


That’s awesome to hear. Thanks for sharing and please know that we appreciate you as a loyal customer. So much that when you are ready to place that fixture order please reach out to me so I can let my sales team know to apply a discount for you!